Ever had that moment as a woman where you decide that you want to go away for a few days, for some alone time, but change your mind after a period of time?Women often decide not to try and travel by themselves because of the terrible things that friends and family members may tell them as well as the internet. This not only stops the innate need to travel but it also stops one from truly exploring their adventurous side.
Women often decide not to try and travel by themselves because of the terrible things that friends and family members may tell them as well as the internet. This not only stops the innate need to travel but it also stops one from truly exploring their adventurous side.Below are a few things you can think about when the travel bug bites you.
Below are a few things you can think about when the travel bug bites you.Every Penny Counts.
Every Penny Counts
Here we are talking about ensuring that every penny is used accordingly. One of the things you can do to save a buck is to consider taking a flight that will have a layover. By doing this, you not only get a chance to visit certain European countries you may have wanted en route to Africa, but it also saves you a few pennies on your overall trip.
This flight schedule allows you to have a breather in between your traveling and it gives you a chance to experience more countries than you intended to in the first place.
Another way you can save some money is by asking the room and board of your choice; whether or not they can give you a reduction on a single supplement. While some of the hotels may not consider this option you will find others will have no problem with this.
Choose Wisely
When picking the reservations you would like to spend some time at, take the type of visitors they have into consideration. You do not want to book a hotel, get there and when at dinner realize that the location is prime land for honeymooners.
You want a place that you cannot only get the privacy that you desire but also a place that you can mingle with other adventurers at heart.
This is one factor you definitely want to know ahead of time. The mode of transportation for African countries differs. For example, you have Uganda where one of the top modes of transport is motorbikes while on the other side you have Kenya where you will find minivans. You want to know all this so that you can pick which mode suits you best.
Also in relation to transportation, the roads are another thing to consider. From the condition of the areas, you want to acquaint yourself with this.
But what is the most important thing to remember: HAVE FUN. Risks are everywhere but if you take the necessary precautions and do your research you will find that you will not have much to worry about expect maybe being a tad bit tardy because you slept in late.
So, pack your bags and plan your next trip, because everyone deserves to enjoy the pleasure of an adventure.